Gifts all year long, for any occasion!!!

Download, print, personalize!

All the possibilities presented in the "Prices" section are available as a gift card which will be available 3 months after it's been paid.

Please contact me if you need more information.

Gift Card to print.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 60.3 KB


  • If you are near by, you can come to take and pay the gift card in my office with an appointment. (see contact below)
  • Otherwise, call me at 06 23 86 54 01 or leave me an e-mail via the adress giving me  the name of the person who receives the gift, and your contact details, in order to proceed to the payment by the mean of your choice (see below)
  • Means of payment accepted : Cash, CB (secured payment link), Transfer.

     PLEASE NOTE : a Gift Card is available 3 months after it's been paid.

  • Then, if you want to offer a physical paper card, download the above document, print and fill it with the options of your choice, and personnalize it as you wish!